We all do it, we all relocate, move and travel. After just helping my own parents with their move I wanted to write some things I learned, tips and tricks I know and share some of my dad's packing expertise. In this blog post I will cover my own survival tips along with how to survive moving day.
Before The Move
Before your moving day life can become stressful if you let it. Not being prepared, organized and ready for that impending moving day can bring anxiety and unwanted headaches.
Don't Procrastinate
You should always begin packing as soon as you know you are moving. Packing a little every day can really help you in the long run. Start from the day you know you are moving or the day you book the movers. Pack a little here and a little there.
Collecting & Buying Boxes
There are many places to buy boxes but recycling boxes is always a great idea. If you currently live in a condominium check your recycling room daily for extra boxes. You can also head to places like Costco, No Frills or the LCBO to pick up some extra boxes.
Packaging World: Is the perfect place to pick up boxes if you need some brand new ones.
The Box Spot: Is another great place to pick up packing materials and boxes for your move.
Labels & Wrap
Having the proper labels on each and every box is important. You should be labelling each and every box with where the box should be placed in your new abode. Use a large sharpie in black for maximum effect. It is also smart to draw arrows on the box that point the direction of the top of the box so the movers will know how to place them.
Tape It Up Tight
Make sure to close your boxes very securely. Proper tape is required to close your boxes and make sure always to over tape rather than under-tape.
Taking Things Yourself
We all have precious items in our homes, so if you feel uncomfortable packing something make sure to bring it yourself. Things you may wish to bring yourself may include crystal, silverware, planters & urns, breakable glassware and ceramic decor and art.
Moving Day
In order to be calm and collected on moving day, it is important that you are packed and ready to go. Your movers will wrap your furniture and start moving all of your contents on to the truck. Here are some of my moving day tricks.
Always Have Water
The movers will be working hard and water is essential. Offering them water is a very kind and appreciated gesture.
Don't Worry About Food
Worrying about lunch or dinner can become a nuisance on moving day so refuel with pizza or ordering in it will be one less worry for you.
After the Move & Unpacking
Since you remembered to properly label everything, everything should be pretty organized. Remember not to get overwhelmed and it will all get put away. However also remember not to forget to get the job done. In my family we are crazy unpackers, we like to have all the boxes gone within the first 2 days in our new place. We work as a family and a team to put all items away.
Accept Help
Accepting help to unpack is much simpler than accepting help before or during the move. Invite your friends and family over and grab some beers, turn the music on and go for it!
Get The Boxes Broken and Out
Don't procrastinate with your unpacking. Remember to break down the boxes and recycle each and every one once you are finished. See if you may know anyone else that is moving that could use the box.