Back to school is often not only an adjustment for your family but it involves a lot of preparation. Here are some tips to get your kids in proper homework habits.
Whether it is your breakfast bar or kitchen table the papers, folders, binders and pens associated with your child’s homework often end up taking over your home. Start this school year with these organization tips to keep your child’s homework in its place.
1. Make Sure Everything Has a Spot
One of the great ways to keep not only your home but also your children organized is to have one spot for everything. Knapsacks go on hooks in the mudroom, pens and pencils are found in the top kitchen drawer and scrap paper can be found in the recycling.
2. Never Forget Your Lunch Again
Whether you use a corkboard, post-it notes or a white board keeping the family organized and making sure everything is remembered when the kids leave for school is important. Get yourself and your children in the habit of leaving memos in an organized fashion.
3. Keep School Project Supplies Centralized
Try keeping glue sticks, foam board, construction paper and other project tools in one central location. Label a Tupperware or Rubbermaid bin and have children take what they need and return it so it is there for the next project.
4. Beautify Your Schedule
Keep kids organized with a centrally located large format calendar. Use stickers and colours to identify the child, their due dates and other family events. Instead of scribbling in dates with pencil take a bit longer to make sure your schedule looks organized and beautiful. Keep it out! No need to hide it.
5. Care Where They Sit
It is important to remember that wherever it is that your child is working, make sure they are comfortable. You don’t want your child hunched over at a bar stool doing homework. Make sure your children are comfortable.
Start the school year off right by implementing these design tools to help you live cleaner, healthier and happier.
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